Cultural taste 5.2: The case for Miley Cyrus…

Having recently been notified that Miley Cyrus is an example of a pop culture icon these days, I took it upon myself to learn a bit about this teenage chanteuse in order to better form an opinion on a subject I care little about. I will be the first to admit that my efforts were somewhat disingenuous as I cannot understand why the life and times of a children’s entertainer is somehow worthy of front-page intrigue; however, what I found surprised me: she appears to be a normal (in the 21st century version of the term), well-adjusted teenager who enjoys what she does and doesn’t appear to take life too seriously- an altogether refreshing image in this era of despondent, self-absorbed misanthropes who bemoan the ‘burden of celebrity’ while shopping for $600 sunglasses (of poor quality and even poorer taste).

And then I saw the deluge…

Evidently, in a “Twitter” conversation (sic), Miley informed Perez Hilton that although he is gay, she is a Christian and believes that God (I will use capitalization to avoid hate mail) loves him anyway and just wants us to be happy. For the time being I will leave the Christianity issue alone and remark that I thought her comment revealed an inner strength of character that is seldom seen amongst the current flavor-of-the-month celebrities.

Evidently, I was wrong….

It seems the American Family Association feels that her comments were inappropriate (especially that blasphemous idea that Perez Hilton was “no different”) and merit rebuttal in the form of a solicitation to “please send a letter to Miley” because “clearly she is confused and does not understand the bible. Please pray for the Lord to open her eyes to the truth.”


Thank goodness the American Family Association is there to ensure that the comments of a 16 year-old girl are corrected for biblical accuracy. The sheer gall of this organization defies belief; then again, perhaps belief in the incredible is all that is required for membership in this poor excuse for an intellectual forum. Here’s a news flash for the AFA:

– Miley Cyrus is entitled to her opinions.
– You are not the moral authority in the United States.
– Perez Hilton, though annoying and inconsequential, is nonetheless a human being who is deserving of the same respect and acknowledgement as anyone else who fits your bill of “acceptable behavior.”
– The depth of your ignorance and presumption is matched only by your inferior intellect and trivial concerns.

In short, Miley Cyrus is a typical teenager, and the AFA is a typical Christian extremist organization: both are guilty of inanity, febrile positions, elevation of the trivial to the profound and outright gaseous eructation…at least Miley has an excuse.

2 Responses to “Cultural taste 5.2: The case for Miley Cyrus…”

  1. Travis Says:

    Unfortunately, it is the loud out spoken Christians that get the attention. Biblically, homosexuality is a sin, but so is lust, hatred, and many other things that don’t get the same attention, because we all have those issues and people (in general) don’t like to point out things that they also struggle with. How can I “judge” another on something that I also struggle with? I don’t know exactly what you believe, but I will say as a Christian, that no one gets more frustrated with “Christian extremist” than me. Christ taught on love. As a Christian, I do not support homosexuality, but I will always support the homosexual as a person. Hope that makes sense. It’s no different than loving an alcoholic but disagreeing with their life style. Trust me, there is plenty that people could point out wrong with me. Hope I didn’t come across as preachy or argumentative. That wasn’t my intention. This is a topic that I have had several discussions about lately, so this is nothing more than my two cents. On a lighter note, things have been great out here. Hope the same is true for you guys. I’ll talk with you later.
    Travis Uptegrove

    • zacrob76 Says:

      You are absolutely correct in your assertion that the loudest voice receives the most attention. Likewise, the extant dichotomy of the loud Christian response to homosexuality is puzzling: in judging others as to the quality and content of their lives, is not the dictum “judge not less ye be judged” applicable? While I hold no Christian affiliations, most of the self-professed “born-again” Christians I have met are honest, hard-working people who have found a philosophical construct that most meets their needs. It is indeed a shame that the congenital moron who holds up the sign that says “God hates fags” receives the most air-time.

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